Yuko Shiraiwa & Masami Takahashi (in press) Posthumous fame of Vincent Van Gogh: Role of death positivity bias and death effect.
Journal of Human Environmental Studies, 22.
Hosaka, C. & Shiraiwa.Y.(2021)The effects of writing a gratitude letter on life satisfaction. Journal of Human Environmental Studies, 19,
35-39. jstage【第一筆者の卒論(2021年東京大学文学部)の改稿】
Tsutsumida, K. & Shiraiwa, Y. (2020). A study of the death positivity bias in the evaluation of a painting. Journal of Human Environmental Studies, 18, 31-36. jstage【第一筆者の卒論(2020年東京大学文学部)の改稿】
Tanibe, T., Shiraiwa, Y., & Karasawa, K. (2016). Opposition to popular legal participation and
the reason–emotion framework: Empirical research on citizens’ attitudes toward the lay judge system in Japan. Journal of Human Environmental Studies, 14, 9-16.【第一筆者の卒論(2012年東京大学文学部)の改稿】